Innovation Case

Upgrading operations management through Innovation and Breakthrough

Date: 2017-06-05
View Count: 254

Upgrading operations management through Innovation and Breakthrough


In 2015, the Company’s operations management work was conducted closely around the theme of “improving quality through refined management, and leaping forward through reform and innovation”, and in adaptation to the new trends such as macroeconomic downturn, networking and toll collection by weight. While carrying out routine management properly, the Company drove operations management upgrading and core business capability building through continual innovation and breakthrough.



I.     Practicing fixed position and fixed arrangement management for the affiliated expressway companies for deep-going standardization


With the implementation of the Company’s national presence strategy, share-controlled expressway projects spread over seven provinces / municipalities directly under the central government. Due to differences in territorial and industrial project management, project histories, etc., the affiliated expressway companies vary greatly in position setup and control over staff arrangement, thereby preventing business management efficiency from being further improved. It is already imperative to practice fixed position and fixed arrangement management for the affiliated expressway companies.


Position setup and staff arrangement are basic elements of an organization, and involve all aspects of business management. It is particularly important to establish a fixed position and fixed arrangement standard that is suited to the practical situation of the affiliated expressway companies, and meets the standardization control requirements at the YTIL level. In view of this, the Company conducted an in-depth survey on the position setup and staffing of the affiliated companies, and interviews with senior management members of the affiliated companies together with the Human Resources Department. On the other hand, the Company developed the Fixed Position and Fixed Arrangement Standard for the Affiliated Expressway Companies of YTIL by drawing on beneficial experience in staff arrangement from the industry, indicating that the Company’s standardization was going deeper, and would play a vital role in regulating staff arrangement, building an efficient organization and improving management efficiency.



II.    Strengthening toll split checking by both technical and management means


With the comprehensive implementation of networked expressway toll collection throughout the country, toll calculation and splitting has become more complex, and how to ensure that toll income is split accurately and received fully is a major task facing all expressway enterprises. It has become extremely difficult to check massive toll data completely manually. Therefore, the Company has built a toll split analysis system using third party professional IT services, and realized the upgrading from “offline manual checking” to “online automatic checking”. This system has been tried out at North Second Ring Expressway Company, and will be extended gradually to projects in other provinces to improve the IT-based management level of business operations.



III.   Promoting the standardization of electromechanical, and highway asset and property right operations comprehensively to improve management efficiency


Since the beginning of standardization of electromechanical operations in 2012, the Company has made significant progress in the control level of electromechanical operations, and the process management of electromechanical operations has been increasingly normative. In 2015, the Operations Management Department drove the routinization of electromechanical standardization in all aspects on the basis of trials in 2014 in a “one helps one” manner (a project company that meets the standard in a trial directs and helps another one having not started routinization). The project companies have almost completed their electromechanical management standardization manuals, and improved the standardization level of electromechanical management effectively, laying a solid foundation for the upgrading of electromechanical operations from “standardized management” to “IT-based management”.


In 2015, the Company drove the building of the standardization control system for highway assets and property rights by strengthening account management, establishing a monthly reporting mechanism, developing the Measures for the Management of Highway Assets and Property Rights, which defined the control patterns and boundaries, and would become effective this year, practicing the closed loop management pattern of “damage—claim—repair—inspection” for highway asset and property right operations in all aspects, and further regulating business processes, where the project companies were urged to prepare standardization manuals for highway assets and property rights based on their own internal control processes and characteristics.



IV.   Taking full advantage of the operational experience exchange and sharing platform to enhance project advantages


The Company has a wide range of projects and distinctive operations management patterns. Through experience sharing, project advantages can be enhanced to improve the overall operations management level of the Company. In 2015, the Operations Management Department established an operational experience exchange and sharing platform to combine online and offline resources, and enhance project advantages. Online QQ and WeChat groups were established for electromechanical, and highway asset and property right operations, etc. to communicate requirements and share experience at any time, thereby breaking geographic limits effectively and realizing efficient communications. Offline seminars were held to address common issues. For example, in order to prevent toll evasion more effectively with the progress of networked toll collection, the Operations Management Department held the first seminar on toll evasion with the project companies to sum up experience, analyze issues and discuss countermeasures, promoting the Company’s toll evasion suppression effectively.


Currently, popular business startup and innovation is becoming a social craze. For enterprises, innovation is an important source of core competence building and business success. In the future, the Company will keep innovating and strengthening core competence building to promote operations management upgrading in various new situations.


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