Mr He Baiqing (Assistant Director of Management Committee of YUEXIU Group , Secretary of the Party Committee ,Deputy Chairman and General Manager of Yuexiu Transport)
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Mr He was appointed an executive director of the Company on 19 March 2014 and a DeputyChairman on 31 July 2014. He has been General Manager of the Company since January 2013. He was appointed deputy general manager in 2009 and senior deputy general manager in 2011. Mr He graduated from Changsha Transport Institute in China with a bachelor of engineering degree in Highway and City Roads Engineering. Mr He had held position of the head of Guangzhou Highway Prospecting and Design Institute. He is a senior engineer of Highway and Bridge, and a chartered civil engineer in China. Mr He was in charge of the thirty-year plan of Guangzhou highway network between 1997 and 1998. He has participated in surveying and designing of Guangzhou Northern Second Ring Expressway, Guangzhou Western Second Ring Expressway and has extensive experience in the industry. He previously served as a director of the Company from April 2005 to April 2007.